Nightmare News '06
Recent poems and stories by David C. Kopaska-Merkel
2006, 2007 and 2008 Nightmare News Archives
* Compute This (with Kendall Evans), Asimov’s,
January '06
* SETI Hits Paydirt, Strange
Horizons, January 9, '06
* A Story for Winter, Strange Horizons, February 6, '06
* Practical Zombies (with Mike Allen), Lone
Star Stories 14, March '06
* Breathe, Star*Line 29.4,
July '06
* One That Was Her Children, Star*Line 29.4,
July '06
* Home At Last, Strange
Horizons, August '06
* In Wicked Hollows, on Darkling Plains (with Kendall Evans), Asimov's,
August '06
* Uncle Roberto’s Gumbo, Between
Kisses, August 1, '06
* Heads, Star*Line 29.5,
September '06
* Sheep Trouble, The
Sword Review 19, October 16, '06
* Stone People, Hungur,
October 31, '06
* The Station Master Nearly Always Runs The Trains On Time (with Kendall
Evans), Illumen,
Autumn '06
>> David received two Rhysling Award nominations for his 2006 work.