May 1991
Garrison, cover illustration for "The Sandwich Shop"
Michael Estabrook, Pale Ghost
Michael While, How Long Have You Been Alone?
C. Darren Butler, Kill it!
John Grey, Is Winter Over?
Alan Koszowski, illustration
Wayne Edwards, Flash
Joe Lintner, illustration for Flash
Robert Nagler, Florence: Lost
Russ Miller, illustration for Florence: Lost
M. B. Simon, The Shellcracker
Virginia Rubio, illustration for The Shellcracker
Paul Weinman, Academics
David Vancil, The Conception
John Gray, Noises
Harold D. Cupec, illustration for Noises
Richard Davignon, tuesday dear bubba thor
Harriet Bernstein, tracking
M. B. Simon and Cathy Buburuz, illustration
Anita M. Barnard, False Thaw
Keith Allen Daniels, In Coldhouse
Pete Lee, The Sandwich Shop
John M. Bennett, Interring I & Delta
W. Gregory Stewart, Workshop
Russ Miller, illustration for Workshop
Bill Sweeney, back cover illustration